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Raspberry Pi
120 min

Make a RFID Lock System With Servo Using Raspberry pi 4

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to passively identify a tagged object. It is used in several commercial and industrial applications, from tracking items along a supply chain to keeping track of items checked out of a library.

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In this tutorial we will create our own smart lock using an RFID lock system that requires a unique card to perform a specific action. In our case, we will use it to open a door with a servo motor.

Getting the Items

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
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SG90 Servo -Positional Rotation
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LED Kit – (4 colors, 5 pieces each)
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1/4 Watt Resistor (20 Pack)
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Half-size Breadboard
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Jumper Wires – Male to Female (40 Pack)
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First, enable the SPI in the Raspbian system by clicking on the menu, then preferences, then Raspberry pi configuration, and from the interfaces, enable the button next to the SPI field, as in the image below:

Now we must install some libraries so that we can use the RFID with the Raspberry Pi 4 board without problems. Enter these commands in order in the terminal:

• sudo apt-get update

• sudo apt-get upgrade

• sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip

• sudo pip3 install spidev

• sudo pip3 install mfrc522

Wiring it Up

Connect the wires between the MFRC522 RFID module and the servo and leds and Raspberry Pi 4 board, as shown in the image below.

Connections from the Raspberry pi 4 to the breadboard :

• Raspberry pi 4 GPIO GND pin → Breadboard ground line

• Raspberry pi 4 GPIO 3.3V pin → Breadboard VCC line

Connections from the RFID module :

• RFID 3.3V pin →Breadboard VCC line

• RFID RST pin →Raspberry pi 4 GPIO 25 pin

• RFID GND pin →Breadboard ground line

• RFID IRQ pin →unconnected

• RFID MISO pin →Raspberry pi 4 GPIO 9 pin

• RFID MOSI pin →Raspberry pi 4 GPIO 10 pin

• RFID SCK pin →Raspberry pi 4 GPIO 11 pin

• RFID SDA pin → Raspberry pi 4 GPIO 8 pin

Connections from the servo motor:

• Servo GND pin→ Breadboard ground line

• Servo VCC pin→ Breadboard VCC line

• Servo signal pin → Raspberry pi 4 GPIO pin 12

Connections from the white LED :

• LED anode pin → 220 ohm resistor → Raspberry pi 4 GPIO pin 16

• LED cathode pin → Breadboard ground line

Connections from the red LED :

• LED anode pin → 220 ohm resistor → Raspberry pi 4 GPIO pin 20

• LED cathode pin → Breadboard ground line


Now on your Raspberry Pi, click on the menu, then choose programming, then open the Thonny ide program.

Now copy that code into it, The function of this code is to open a door with a servo motor. print the card ID on a window when the correct card is placed on the RFID sensor, the white LED will light up, but if the wrong card is placed, the red LED will light up and the servo will not move.

In this project, we are using the Raspberry Pi OS Legacy (bullseye) operating system that works on a Raspberry Pi 4 board.

from mfrc522 import SimpleMFRC522

import time

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

import tkinter as tk

from tkinter import font

from gpiozero import AngularServo

from time import sleep

from gpiozero import LED

import time

white_led = LED(16)  # GPIO pin 16

red_led = LED(20)  # GPIO pin 20

servo = AngularServo(12,min_pulse_width=0.0006, max_pulse_width=0.0023)

servo.angle = 90

window = tk.Tk()

window.title("Gate opener using rfid card ")

custom_font = font.Font(size=30)


RFID_label = tk.Label(window, text="Place the correct card to open the gate.", anchor='center', font=custom_font)


CARD_ID_label = tk.Label(window, anchor='center', font=custom_font)


gate_state_label = tk.Label(window, anchor='center', font=custom_font)



reader = SimpleMFRC522()

def read_rfid():


  id, text =


  if id == None :

      RFID_label.config(fg="red", text="Place the correct card to open the gate.")

      print("Place the correct card to open the gate.")



  else :

      # Scan for cards

      print("CARD DETECTED.")

      RFID_label.config(fg="red", text="CARD DETECTED.")

      # Print the card ID

      print("Card ID:", id)

      CARD_ID_label.config(fg="red", text="Card ID: {} ".format(id))


      if id == 71518933307 :

           gate_state_label.config(fg="red", text="Valid rfid card ID,Gate will open.")


           servo.angle = -90

           white_led.on()  # Turn on the LED

           sleep(3)  # Delay for 3 second

   # Turn off the LED

           servo.angle = 90          

           sleep(1)  # Delay for 1 second


      else :

          gate_state_label.config(fg="red", text="Invalid rfid card ID,Gate won't open.")


          servo.angle = 90


          sleep(1)  # Delay for 1 second

      window.after(1, read_rfid)




Testing it Out

Now run the code, you will find that the Raspberry Pi 5 board opens a door with a servo motor. print the card ID on a window when the correct card is placed on the RFID sensor, the white LED will light up, but if the wrong card is placed, the red LED will light up and the servo will not move.


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